Choose the product you like, then write me on to discuss the details.
If the unit you want is sold, it can be made on demand. The order is ready in 2 days (for the bags - 4 days).
Alegi produsul care iti place, apoi imi scrii pe sa discutam detaliile. In cazul in care produsul nu este in stoc, el poate fi facut la comanda timp de 2-4 zile. Daca esti din Chisinau, fixam o intilnire si iti dau comanda.
How to pay
give you the order. In this case you will pay cash.
If you are from Europe, you may receive my products by post as package. It will arrive to you in 7-10 days,
depending on the distance. You may pay through any money transfer, such as Western Union or bank transfer.
When I receive the payment, I send you the products. My impeccable reputation will serve as a guarantee in this process.
How much?
Sculpture Bags Umbrellas
4-5 cm hight - 7-9 Euro 12 Euro 23 Euro
8-10 cm hight - 10-12 Euro
Bijou Mirrors
earrings - 6-8 Euro 22 Euro
pendants - 9 Euro
The price for shipping is 6-10 Euro depending on the distance and the weight of the parcel.